About Us
Headquartered in Nevada, Professional Claims Consultants is an independent provider of claims management solutions to insurance companies and self-ensured entities. We thrive in a competitive
market with an approach that is personable, professional and tailor-made to our customers. We believe in delivering quality services at fair and reasonable costs in a timely manner. With a growing number of claims consultants
across the United States, we will provide you with the tools and resources needed to meet your needs. PCC: Claims management done right.
Mission & Vision
We evaluate, analyze and adjust insurance claims quickly and accurately while providing a quality customer service experience.
Our expertise and in-depth knowledge is highlighted by the following: Automobile Liability, Construction Risks, General Liability, Homeowners, Inland Marine, Property, Trucking.
Our coverage territory has expanded nationally and we are continually adding adjusters to our roster. We are actively recruiting in the following states: Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas.
Call Us Now
(702) 748-7691
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Our Company
Henderson, NV
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(702) 827-1047
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Henderson, NV